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Application for Membership




 P.O. Box 1149

Camden, Alabama 36726 

To become a member of Wilcox Educational Foundation, Inc., an individual must make a membership donation to the Foundation in the name of a parent with legal physical custody or a guardian and a conservator pursuant to a court order. If the applicant is a resident of Wilcox County and makes application before May 1st of the school year beginning the following August or September, then the membership donation will be $500.00. The membership donation will be $750.00 if the application for membership is made on or after May lst. If a person moves to Wilcox County and makes application for membership on or after May lst but within 30 days of establishing residency, the membership donation will be $500.00. Otherwise, it will be $750.00. The membership donation will be $750.00 for any applicant who resides in a county other than Wilcox County and makes application on or after May lst. The application must then be approved by the majority of the Board of Trustees. Once the application has been approved by the Board, the membership donation is non-refundable and non-transferable under any circumstances. There will be absolutely no exception to this rule. If the individual has been a member of another private school, a letter of release in good standing must accompany the individual's membership application. If applicant is requesting readmission of a former student, there is a $100.00 re-entry fee that must accompany application. 

The main goal of Wilcox Educational Foundation, Inc. is to offer the children of its members the highest quality education possible. To attain this goal, each member should understand that his loyalty and support is needed and expected.

Membership in the Foundation gives the application the right to vote, according to the Foundation’s Constitution and By-laws, and the right to register their children at Wilcox Academy as long as there is space available in the grade or class desired. If there is not available space, then the child's name may be placed on a waiting list until such additional class facilities can be made available. 

It is understood that signing this application and its acceptance by the Board of Trustees does not constitute the registration of the children at Wilcox Academy. This is accomplished by filling out and signing a separate registration form. 

The signing of this form indicates that the applicant has read, understands, and agrees to the above and acknowledges the receipt of a copy of same.

________________                                 _______________________________________

DATE                                                    NAME OF APPLICANT

________________                                  _______________________________________






 Wilcox Academy

P.O. Box 1149

Camden, AL 36726




1. The Wilcox Educational Foundation is a non-profit educational corporation.

 2. Payment of tuition can be arranged on one of the four methods listed below:

a.       One Payment – Check dated for August 10th of the school year.

b.      Two Payments – ½ tuition paid on August 10th and the other half paid on January 10th with checks postdated and on file at Wilcox Academy.

c.       Three Payments – First check dated August 10th, second check dated December 10th and the third check dated March 10th with checks postdated and on file at Wilcox Academy.

d.      Monthly Payment – Ten monthly checks to be postdated and on file at Wilcox Academy. (August– May) *Please note that a bank draft for your tuition can also be set up. These drafts need to be renewed at the beginning of each school year.


 3. Pre-registration will close on Tuesday, March 12th, 2019. Teachers will be hired based on students registered by March 12th. Student enrollment will be continued after March 12th, but a $50.00 late fee will be charged to all parents failing to register their children by March 12, 2019.

 4. Applicants for kindergarten membership received during the Pre-Registration period will be accepted on the basis of the age of the foundation membership first, providing registration is made during the specified period.

 5. Parents with students enrolled at Wilcox Academy will be given the first opportunity to enroll for the 2019-2020 school year.

 6. Applications for registration are subject to approval by the Board of Directors, Wilcox Educational Foundation.

 7. A meeting of the Wilcox Educational Foundation will be held annually. At this meeting, eight     members shall be elected to the Board of Directors for a three-year term. Directors may be re-elected in succession.

 8. Members of the Foundation are those individuals who have paid their membership.

 9. Teachers at Wilcox Academy are hired according to the teacher/pupil ratio. If the enrollment in a given grade is such that more than one section is needed, the Board of Directors will make every effort to hire the additional teacher(s) needed.

10. Wilcox Academy desires to provide the best education possible for your child or children. We can do this only by knowing the number of children who will attend our school during the 2019-2020 school year. For this reason, it is most important that you take time now to complete the enclosed form and return it to Wilcox Academy immediately.  The Pre-Registration form must be returned to Wilcox Academy on or before Tuesday, March 12th.

 11. Applications will be dated as received. Any application received after Tuesday, March 12, 2019 will result in a $50.00 Late Registration Fee due with the late application.

12. There are no refunds of tuition payments, except by special action of the Board of Directors, in cases of unusual circumstances.

13. To become a member of the Wilcox Educational Foundation, Inc., an individual must make amembership donation to the Foundation in the name of one parent or guardian and a conservator pursuant to a court order. If the applicant is a resident of Wilcox County and makes application  before May 1st of the school year beginning the following August or September, then the membership donation will be $500.00. The membership donation will be $750.00 if the application is made on or after May 1st. If a person moves to Wilcox County and makes application for membership on or after May 1st, but within 30 days of establishing residency, the membership donation will be $500.00. Otherwise, it will be $750.00. The membership donation will be $750.00 for any applicant who resides in a county other than Wilcox County and makes application on or after May 1st. The application must then be approved by the majority of the Board of Trustees. Once the application has been approved by the Board, the membership donation is non-refundable and non-transferable under any circumstances. There will be absolutely no exception to this rule. If applicant is requesting readmission of a former student, there is a $100.00 re-entry fee that must accompany application.

 The main goal of the Wilcox Educational Foundation, Inc. is to offer the children of its members the highest quality education possible. To attain this goal, each member should understand that his  loyalty and support is needed and expected.

 Membership in the foundation gives the applicant the right to vote, according to the Foundation’s   Constitution and By-Laws, and the right to register their children at Wilcox Academy as long as      there is space available in the grade or class desired. If there is no available space, then the child’s  name may be placed on a waiting list until such additional class facilities can be made available. 

14. Should you have any questions concerning Pre-Registration, please call the office at Wilcox     Academy. The telephone number is 682-9619. It will be a pleasure to serve you in any way        possible.