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Class Schedule  

Second Grade Class Schedule

Morning Work - Begin the daily English, Math, or Reading review work

8:00-8:10 - Homeroom - Bible Story, Pledge and Songs

8:10-9:50 - Reading

                 Restroom and water break around 9:15 while doing reading seatwork

9:50-10:25 - Spelling and Writing

10:25-10:55 - P.E.

10:55-11:00 - Restroom and Water

11:00-11:30 - Lunch

11:30-11:40 - Restroom while reading a story

11:40-12:10 - English

12:10-1:20 - Math

1:20-1:35 - Art/Poetry/Music

1:35-1:50 - Snack and Restroom

1:50-2:55 - Science/Social Studies

2:55 - Prepare for home

Library - Tuesday - 8:15-8:45

             Thursday - 8:15-8:45 Check out only

*Lunch and P.E. times are exact. The order of our day is subject to change.